Thursday, March 18, 2021

"Hurry Disease"


Many years ago, I was in Connecticut staying at a friend's house. I was heading out early to visit with my mom. I was in a bit of a hurry, but as I looked up, I saw the sun just starting to come up behind me and shine on a sliver of the backyard. I didn't have my camera with me but I did have my phone. I quickly took this picture before the sun became blocked by her house. To this day, this remains one of my favorite photos.  

"Eilkrankheit" is a German word and it loosely translates to "hurry disease".  Do you feel this, this "hurry disease"?  I know I sometimes do. 

Think about all the things and devices that we use each day to give us "more time". We no longer have to wait for anything. Everything is instant and done with little effort on our part.

Do you have more time? Seriously, do you have a chunk of time at the end of the day from all the time you saved during the day? Where does the 'saved time' go? 

We are conditioned to multi-task and do things as efficiently as possible. I'm not going to argue the merit in this way of thinking on occasion, it definitely has it applications. But on the whole, what ever happened to focusing on one thing? To focusing on doing one thing right? On taking the time to be sure that something is done correctly? 

Is there some time in your day today that you can slow down? Can you take the time to focus on what is in front of you? I bet there is and I bet you would be rewarded for it. If you spend your day looking for blessings, you will find them. 


  1. I just got off a phone call with my daughter rambling on about a lot of stuff .
    She said mom.. mom.. your mind is going crazy you need to relax 😐. Thanks for the message

    1. Wise words from Angie ❤️🙏☺️. Thank you for reading Margo!

  2. Great post! We all need to slow down and look around at all our blessings!!! We have so many!!!!

    1. ❤️. Thank you for reading sweet Renee.

  3. you are so make me think !!!! Yes, Angie does have some words of wisdom often...Margo has to listen !!! Very unusual picture....Make time for the important things in your life. Love you forever, Mom
