Friday, February 26, 2021

"A Slip, not a Fall"

I was in Goodwill this past Monday.  I was dropping off some donations and thought that while I was there I would take a look inside. 

As soon as I walked in I saw a man with a cart full of treasures!  I mean TREASURES!  He had a vintage wooden sled, a vintage Hawkeye picnic basket, a stunning reverse painted lamp and a box of vintage glass Christmas ornaments.  I walked up to him and said "Awesome finds!"  He said "Thanks!" and I walked away, hoping to find my own awesome treasures. 

It would be a lie if I told you that as I walked away I didn't feel jealous. I mean, that cart had everything that I love!  And then before I knew it, my thinking took me to places that I have worked so hard to overcome1. My thoughts were of envy and greed: "If only I had come here first instead of stopping to get gas" and "How come he is so lucky?".  And then I stopped. I literally stopped in the aisle and said "Lord, I laid this at your feet so long ago and yet here I am, picking it back up again". I prayed silently as I again laid it back down at His feet, and I continued shopping. 

I didn't find any treasures that day, but on the way out I looked for the man with the fabulous cart. When I found him, I pointed to the price stickers on his treasures ($5.99, $5.99, $8.99 and $1.99) and said "Duuude! Look at this!  You did GREAT!"  He rewarded me with the biggest smile2 and he gave me a 'high five'.  He gave me a high five. He gave a high five to the "Queen Giver of High Fives"!  I know how awesome I feel when I give high five's, but I have to tell you, it is just as awesome to be on the receiving end of one too! 

What did I learn?  I learned that sometimes you revisit a bad memory, a bad habit or a negative trait that you thought you were rid of. You can revisit it, but that doesn't mean that you have to give it a home in your life or your heart.  You can recognize it, but then you have to put it back. Put it back on the shelf, put it back behind closed doors, or put it back at the Lord's feet.  No matter what you do, the important thing is, you have to take it and put it back. And realize that you are just that much stronger. One slip does not have to turn into a fall. 🙏

1.    See my blog "Interview with Janet Alden" - Feb. 16 2021 for more on this.
2.    He wasn't wearing a mask. 
2a.  And it was a full smile with the eyes!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"Finding Dimes"

Stepping out of my car at the library, I look down, and I find a dime. As I'm walking in the parking lot from my car to the grocery store, I see another dime.  It's happened so many times to me, finding dimes, that I knew it had to have some kind of meaning. I did a search online and found these significant meanings about why you are finding dimes: 

* Someone or something is trying to get your attention. 

* Guidance or validation that you're on the right path. 

* A reminder that you are loved and valued.

* A reminder to pay attention, keep watching and keep your eyes open. 

* A sign that positive changes are afoot; a reward or token of approval from beyond. 

* Ancestors, spirits, guides or deceased loved ones want you to know they're looking out for you. 

* The number 10 symbolizes a circle, so a dime might indicate coming full circle, fulfillment, unity or the completion of a task. 

So, those dimes that I keep finding?  I recognize and appreciate them for their significance, and then I leave them for the next person to find.  I figure that these days we could all use a little validation, a positive token or perhaps an "I'm okay" sign from a loved one who's passed. ❤️

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

An Interview with Janet Alden

Hello everyone!  Today I'm here in Inman talking with Janet Alden.  Janet is going to answer some questions and share with you some wisdom, some whimsy and her Missy. 

So let's get to it...

Janet Alden: Wait. You are interviewing me? But you, you are me. How is that going to work?

Interviewer: It will be fine. Geessh. Stop worrying. So, can I start the interview now?

JA:  Yes. But this is weird.

Interviewer:  So anyway. Thank you Janet for having me in your home. It's a lovely home. Is it true that this is the longest you and Bill have ever lived in a home?

JA:  Yes. That is true. It will be 6 years in April. This is our 7th home, and I hope it is our last. 

Interviewer: So, did you know that Bill was part gypsy when you married him? 

JA: (Laughs) No, I had no idea! But I told him that this is it - I'm not moving anymore. I mean, seriously? Have you seen my studio? I can't pack up that room (laughs).

Interviewer (laughing): You said it sister! You do have a lot of stuff!  So, speaking of your studio. That's really a great place you have there. You have so many interests, tell us, what is your favorite thing to do?

JA: Well, that's a good question, um, Janet. I don't really have a favorite, favorite thing. I like to do a lot of different things like sewing, jewelry making, photography, writing and of course card making. It's really hard to pick just one. They all are important parts of me and they all provide me with great joy. 

Interviewer: The cards are something that you have been really focusing on this past year isn't it?

JA: It is. I have been making cards for the past 10 years, but it is only recently that I have begun donating them. In the past few years I have donated over 10,000 cards to various non-profit organizations. I've always enjoyed making and giving cards, but this, this has become my mission, and it is what I spend the most time on. 

Interviewer: You told me that you probably have every card that was ever given to you. Is that true? 

JA: It is (starts to get up) I can show you.

Interviewer: No, it's okay. I believe you. Maybe later. So cards are very important to you is that correct?

JA:  It is! I love sending them and I love getting them too!

Interviewer: So, next question. How are you coping with COVID?  

JA: This has been very trying time. So many people struggle every day with the social isolation. Solitude can be so hard on some people, and I recognize that. But for me personally, it hasn't been too different. I actually spend most of my days alone in the studio as it is, so really, it wasn't that much of a change for me. When I do go out, I wear a mask and try to be cognizant of other people and their space. I also try to be more engaging with people when I see them. I think that it's so easy to retreat further into ourselves with the masks and restrictions. So I make a conscious effort to not allow that to happen to me. 

Interviewer: You actually told me that you prefer to not have to go out at all.  Is that true?

JA: (laughs) It is. Like, I said, I know that this is not the same for all people, but I find great solace in my solitude. I still seek out the new, and nurture the old connections but I am not one to be social anyway. So it's all good. Hey, did you know that I didn't go to a single prom during high school?

Interviewer: Yes, I read that somewhere. It has been hard for so many people, but it's great that you are creating and donating your cards to help bridge that distance and loneliness for people.  

JA:  Thank you. 

Bill Alden walks into the room

JA:  Hi sweetie!

Interviewer: Hi Bill! Can we ask you a few questions?

BA:  We? Janet, who are you talking to? 

JA and Interviewer respond:  Janet

BA: This is weird. I'm going to take a shower.

Interviewer: He's a great guy that Mr. Alden. 

JA (smiling): That he is.

Interviewer: If I may, I have to ask you, this past year, 2020, besides the obvious COVID, it was a tough year for you wasn't it? 

JA: (Nodding) It was.

Interviewer: You had a lot of personal issues in the second half of the year. How are you doing now? 

JA:  I'm doing good, thank you for asking. It was a tough year for many reasons. I had the return of a bacterial infection in my lungs that was very tiring. There were also some external things that were going on that were also very draining. Unfortunately, I learned that some people are mean, just to be mean. From that, I also learned that I had to be more careful and think before I respond to hurtful comments. 

But I also experienced great support by people as well. There are some really awesome and caring people out there and we can't forget that. It's hard to see them sometimes because they are not always the loudest, but they are there. It was definitely a learning year and I am grateful for the experience. 

Interviewer: (nodding) True. You do have a strong support system and it's great to see people taking care of each other, not only physically, but emotionally too. 

JA: It is. I am very blessed with great people in my life and I focus on them. One of the main things I realized during this time was how strong I am. I stood up for myself instead of backing down. And while that was very hard for me, it was also very necessary. I am proud of myself and this alone gave me great strength in so many ways. 

Interviewer: Good for you!  Sadly, you lost your good friend Emil in November.

JA:  I did. Emil passed away on November 29th. These past two and a half years with Emil as my friend has been rewarding in so many ways. Emil was truly one of my best friends and I miss him terribly. I have this deep desire and need to nurture and care for people, and I lost some of that when I lost Emil.  

Interviewer:  And he trained Missy some tricks!

JA:  He did! He was so good with Missy, so patient. He adored her and she adored him.  

The last morning before Emil left for the VA Hospital, we went to his house to say "good-bye". He gave Missy a final lesson and she NAILED it! I was so proud of Missy. And of Emil. He was such a good friend to me. Such a good friend to many people. I truly was blessed to have him in my life. 

Interviewer: You also lost your brother-in-law Gary in the beginning of January. I'm sorry, I know that was very tough for you and your family.  

JA: Thank you. It was. It was a terrible loss. Gary meant so much to us and to everyone who knew him. Gary and Carol moved to SC (not far from us) about 7 months after we did and we had gotten very close to them both in the past 10 years. We spent a lot of time together, and his sudden passing, it affected us all deeply.  

Interviewer: He was a good man and I know he will be missed. Shifting gears a little bit here. What are you working on now?

JA: Thank you. And another great question Janet! This past week, I've started working on cards for the ALS Association North Carolina Chapter. I am writing a blog about this which will come out soon, but the ALS organization is very important to me and to my mom, so I'm really excited to be involved with this organization. 

Interviewer: That's great! You also have something else you are working on...can you share that with us?

JA:  Thanks! I can tell you a little bit about it. Basically, I've had this idea for about 3 years and never did anything with it. In the beginning of the year I started working with an artist here in Inman and she provided me with some sketches based on my ideas. In addition, I connected with an art student at Converse and she has been drawing additional sketches for me. There are three concepts I came up with and I am waiting for the last sketch. After that, I will write up my proposal, send it to my attorney and then submit it to the company. I'm extremely excited about this, but I have to be patient and take it slow and do it right. I'll share more when I can.  

Missy walks into the room and rolls over on her back. Both Interviewer and Janet laugh.

Interviewer (still laughing):  So it's true!  She really is addicted to belly rubs!

JA: She is! She is a piece of work this one (bending over to rub her belly). She is always so happy and so eager to meet new people. It really is a joyful event every time we go out in the neighborhood for a walk!

Interviewer: It can imagine! Janet, you started this blog up after a five year break. Why did you stop, and why did you start it up again?

JA:  Another great question! (high fives interviewer) When we first moved here I was involved with buying and selling treasures. I had a few rental spots and spent a lot of time, and unfortunately money, keeping them stocked.  

I loved hunting for treasures, and the interaction with people while doing it, but ultimately I found it was not the business for me. It is way more competitive than you can imagine and I didn't like some aspects of the business that I saw. But more importantly, I didn't like how it was affecting my behavior and thinking. It was a great experience, and I am glad I did it, but it's not something I want to do again.  

So, that was a long answer to your question. Basically, I stopped writing because I was involved in other things. 

Interviewer: So you started up again in August of 2020. How did that come about?

JA: I thank Bill for that. He told me one day that I should start writing again. He said "You are good at it and you enjoy it so you should do it". I was involved with a lot of negative experiences and it was important to him that I again focus on positive and fulfilling activities. So, on August 17th, I reposted a story about something that happened to me years earlier. It's one of my favorite connections with a family and I thought it would be good to relaunch with that.  

Interviewer: It's great to see you writing again!

JA:  Thank you! It has been extremely rewarding for me. The act of writing is in itself a solitary experience, but the sharing it, that is where the connections and the joy comes. I always appreciate and am extremely grateful that with all the things that pull at people on a daily basis, they take the time to connect with me. That is a HUGE honor and that is why I do what I do. 

Interviewer: So, we have a request from Billy R.

JA: (laughing....) Billy! I love Billy! I've known him for 25 years!  We worked together at ESPN Radio. We lost contact for a few years, but we recently reconnected and had a 2 hour phone call.  We had a lot to catch up on!  Billy has always been such a huge supporter, not only for me, but for so many. He truly has the ability to see the best in people and he helps them see it too. He is just so quick minded and smart and loyal.  I adore him.  So what's his request?

Interviewer: He wondered if you can tell people how they can leave their name when they comment on your blog.  

JA: Billy, that's a great question! But this is a hard question to answer because people read the blog on different platforms. I think the best way to get around this is to ask people to include their name in their comment. I get so many encouraging and positive comments on my blog, and without the name, it's hard to know who to thank! 

Missy comes back into the room and rolls on her back for a belly rub

Interviewer and Janet laugh as Missy gets her belly rubbed. Again. 

Interviewer: So, Janet we are coming to the end of the interview. Is there anything you would like to leave us with?

JA: First of all, Janet you did a fabulous job and asked some really great questions! I guess I would just like to thank everyone for their support. I truly am blessed and grateful for all I have been given. I am trying to pay my blessings forward and give in ways I can. Thank you all for reading my blog and for the encouragement - it really does mean the world to me. And Janet, thank you for doing this interview. 

Interviewer:  You bettcha! 

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Random Thoughts III and Photos

Try not to sneeze with cashews in your mouth.1

Even if you don't take someone's advice, most people still like to be asked for it. 

One loss does not make you a failure.

Scrunchy socks in the toe of my shoes... Grrrrrr 

What a great feeling it is when you are able to make someone really, really REALLY laugh.2

My Mom is fabulous at solving Crossword puzzles. I inherited a lot of great qualities from my mom, alas, this is not one of them.3

One of my greatest pleasures is having a good book to read at night before I go to bed. 

Sometimes how you give something is more important than what you give.4

When someone asks me for directions, and I know exactly how to get them there.... Fist pumping! 5

There is no shortage of people who don't want to do something, but that doesn't seem to stop them from telling you how to do something. Repeatedly and usually loudly. 

and "Any jackass can kick the barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build it."

Any conversation with my Mom that starts with "I've been reading 'Fifty Shades of Gray'..." is not a conversation I want to be a part of. 

At the end of my day I ask myself "Did I live, give and love fully today?".  The best days are when I can say "Yes" to all three. 

It seems to me that some people are using "COVID" as an excuse for not doing a lot of things. And for also not doing things the right way.

I think the best part of being a turtle is being able to quickly and fully retreat into your shell.6 

People that put .5 cent price tags on something...I mean, really? Why bother? 7

You are absolutely NOT what someone else thinks of you.8

Hearing someone say "You betcha!" always makes me smile.9

I bet there is a great story behind the car seat I saw on the side of the road.10 

I love 'Spoonerisms'.  You know:  Smart Feller = Fart Smeller, Foggy Day = Doggy Fay, Pack of Lies = Lack of Pies.  😃 

When Bill says to me "Don't let me forget....." and I remember...Yup!  More fist pumping!

Stores that open up early, even if it is 5 minutes, when they see people standing outside will always get my return business. 

Even though we are all wearing masks, we can still smile at one another.  Try it.  It's all in the eyes.11

1.  You can fill in any nut here - they will all shoot out your mouth like little missiles. 
2.  Sometimes I can make Bill laugh like that:  Full-on head back, eyes watering laugh.
3.  But I KILL IT at those Word Searchy things.
4.  This is not my original thought, I read it someplace.  But it's absolutely true!
5.  Especially if I can name street names too!
6.  I used to wear turtlenecks for this purpose.  But it's not really the same thing. 
7.  And it's not just because I feel silly paying .5 cents for something. 
7a.  Okay, it's partly because I feel silly paying .5 cents for something. 
8.  This is VERY VERY VERY important.  Don't forget it. 
9.  Just another one of those words we don't say often enough. 
10.   I just hope it's not a sad one. 
11.  COVID is not an excuse to not smile at each other.  We should all smile at each other more.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Snow Day!

Last week I was all about "Rain Day"!  Today it's a snow day!  It's about 10am and the snow is just about melted and gone from overnight... but still!  Snow. Day. 

I was out early with my camera and got some pictures from my yard and from around the neighborhood. Now, granted, a lot of these pictures look like rainy day pictures, but they are not.  They are Snow Day pictures!  Happy Snow Day! 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Re-launch of Missy Makes Me Laugh

I wrote a "Welcome" post when I launched my blog in September of 2013.  Since I re-launched my blog in August of 2020, I've added 36 more posts. I went back and changed or removed some of the earlier content - mostly because I wasn't proud of the writing. Since August, I have so many returning readers (HUGE THANK YOU!) and so many new readers (HUGE THANK YOU!) that I thought it might be a good idea to share this 'introduction' again. The intent and vision for my blog has not changed - it remains the same now as it did in 20131

Content from my first blog written on September 25, 2013. First, where the name came from:  "As I was thinking about a name for the blog, I thought that I needed to come up with something clever or witty. But then "Missy makes me laugh" just came to me. I really liked it and thought that it would work.  So many of you enjoyed reading about Missy and her antics when I shared them on Facebook so it seemed like a great name for my blog. This little dog just radiates pure happiness and joy, and she truly does make me laugh - every day.  So that is where the name came from.  

What can you expect from "Missy Makes Me Laugh"?  Well, let me tell you what you will not get, that may be easier.  M3L2 will never be negative or angry.  I will never post or push my political or social views on you through this blog.  I can choose, we all can choose, what we allow into our life. I felt that social media had become too soul and joy sucking for me and I want to be sure that I never bring negativity into your life. Eliminating social media, for me, was an easy decision. Facebook and Instagram in particular, were the first to go and I have never, not once, regretted making this decision. I'm not looking to change your life or your views. I just want to make you smile and feel like you are getting a hug3. It's really that simple. That is the goal in writing my blog. 

M3L will be about my life observations and varied adventures with what I hope is a fun, whimsical and grateful view.  I don't know if things happens to me because I am always so open to experiences, or if I really am just one of those magnets for people and events. But whatever it is, I love it and don't ever want to lose it!  I will add entries as they happen and will try to make them short little reads. I'm thinking a few times a week, although sometimes it could be more or it could be less. I guess it just depends on my life. I will also share with you photos I have taken4. I love taking pictures and enjoy sharing them as well. They may or may not tie into the blog subject - they may just be a stand alone entryTaking photos is a large part of my life and I enjoy sharing them.  

My goal is not to be 'discovered' and whisked away by some company who wants to pay me oodles and oodles of money5.  For one thing, I know that my writing skills are not the best - and you will probably notice grammatical and structural errors as you read, but I try.  My goal is to create a blog that is readable and entertaining and I hope that you can overlook the mistakes.  I try to write light and easy and I hope you enjoy my style and observations. 

So as I wrap up my first blog, I say "Thank you".  I am so tremendously grateful and appreciative of your encouragement and support already.  There is a lot of information out there that requires your attention on any given day.  The fact that you seek me out and allow me to share my life with you really means a lot to me. I will never take advantage of you, or your time, and I will always give you my best effort.  I will try to leave your day if not better, certainly not worse, and that is my promise to you.  

Thank you for joining me and I hope you stay with me and share your life with me as well.  Love Janet" 6

That's either really awesome or really sad!  😊
2  I KNOW!! 
3  I am such a dork!
4  Probably something involving keys, buttons, chocolate or Missy  
5  Wait? That is not my goal?
6  And I looooooove footnotes - so they make appearances from time to time