Saturday, February 13, 2021

Random Thoughts III and Photos

Try not to sneeze with cashews in your mouth.1

Even if you don't take someone's advice, most people still like to be asked for it. 

One loss does not make you a failure.

Scrunchy socks in the toe of my shoes... Grrrrrr 

What a great feeling it is when you are able to make someone really, really REALLY laugh.2

My Mom is fabulous at solving Crossword puzzles. I inherited a lot of great qualities from my mom, alas, this is not one of them.3

One of my greatest pleasures is having a good book to read at night before I go to bed. 

Sometimes how you give something is more important than what you give.4

When someone asks me for directions, and I know exactly how to get them there.... Fist pumping! 5

There is no shortage of people who don't want to do something, but that doesn't seem to stop them from telling you how to do something. Repeatedly and usually loudly. 

and "Any jackass can kick the barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build it."

Any conversation with my Mom that starts with "I've been reading 'Fifty Shades of Gray'..." is not a conversation I want to be a part of. 

At the end of my day I ask myself "Did I live, give and love fully today?".  The best days are when I can say "Yes" to all three. 

It seems to me that some people are using "COVID" as an excuse for not doing a lot of things. And for also not doing things the right way.

I think the best part of being a turtle is being able to quickly and fully retreat into your shell.6 

People that put .5 cent price tags on something...I mean, really? Why bother? 7

You are absolutely NOT what someone else thinks of you.8

Hearing someone say "You betcha!" always makes me smile.9

I bet there is a great story behind the car seat I saw on the side of the road.10 

I love 'Spoonerisms'.  You know:  Smart Feller = Fart Smeller, Foggy Day = Doggy Fay, Pack of Lies = Lack of Pies.  😃 

When Bill says to me "Don't let me forget....." and I remember...Yup!  More fist pumping!

Stores that open up early, even if it is 5 minutes, when they see people standing outside will always get my return business. 

Even though we are all wearing masks, we can still smile at one another.  Try it.  It's all in the eyes.11

1.  You can fill in any nut here - they will all shoot out your mouth like little missiles. 
2.  Sometimes I can make Bill laugh like that:  Full-on head back, eyes watering laugh.
3.  But I KILL IT at those Word Searchy things.
4.  This is not my original thought, I read it someplace.  But it's absolutely true!
5.  Especially if I can name street names too!
6.  I used to wear turtlenecks for this purpose.  But it's not really the same thing. 
7.  And it's not just because I feel silly paying .5 cents for something. 
7a.  Okay, it's partly because I feel silly paying .5 cents for something. 
8.  This is VERY VERY VERY important.  Don't forget it. 
9.  Just another one of those words we don't say often enough. 
10.   I just hope it's not a sad one. 
11.  COVID is not an excuse to not smile at each other.  We should all smile at each other more.


  1. You are always so insightful.

    1. Thank you Lisa! Sometimes silly too! Always appreciate you reading ☺️

  2. great read!! you make me smile!!!!

  3. let me clarify some thing.....I never read "Fifty Shades of Grey"....started it and probably read a about a third of it and threw it was so poorly written and so stupid I couldn't waste my time. Other than that I enjoyed this made me smile ! Love you forever, Mom

    1. 😆. I remember you telling me that! And I agree with you on your thoughts! ❤️

  4. There are some good ones here (fist pumps)!!!!! I absolutely agree that we can still smile and gosh say HI. People in stores won't even give eye contact, so hurtful. And that golden retriever looks so sad I'm hoping he/she's just chillin and quite content. You can make me belly laugh just in your writing LOVE LOVE LOVE & PEACE. LISA D

    1. ❤️. Thank you Lisa! I saw that dog at a vintage show many years ago. He appeared to be chilling! That is one of my favorite pictures. 😍. Thank you, as always, for reading and for your encouragement. 🙏

  5. A great list Janet and food for thought.

  6. A great read? You betcha!! And a few fist pumps for good measure. Love you, Jan. PS. I should have eschewed the fistful of cashews before reading the first spoonerism. PPS. I always get a kick out of your mom showing up as "unknown", um, but I don't believe for one second that she didn't read 50 Shades cover to cover. Just kidding Mrs. A.

    1. 😆. Billy! I know this is you! ❤️. Thank you for reading and for always, always, always being in my corner! ❤️

    2. You betcha!! It's a great corner. In your next post you will have to show the technically ignorant among us how to reveal our identity (and add cool emojis) when we publish a reply ; )
