Monday, September 14, 2020

"Treasure Jar"

If you've been to my house, you've probably noticed the large glass jar on the table by the front door. That's my "Treasure Jar" and I started it about 8 or 9 years ago as a place to keep all my little treasures.  All those delightful, joy-bringing trinkets that I couldn't bear the thought of passing up or throwing away, they all get added to my Treasure Jar.

This past week, I outgrew my first jar and added a second jar to the table by the door. Two Treasure Jars!  Oh my!  

I find the best things in old button tins, boxes of junk, and jewelry boxes. And, I'm always on the look out when I'm at yard sales, auctions and estate sales for those piles of junk/treasures. I buy vintage board games just for the pieces (Clue and Monopoly) and I seem to be a magnet for porcelain and plastic animals. 

Vintage keys, medicine tins, little bottles, patches, tokens, crystals, key chains, metal lipstick tubes, random earrings, beads, vintage lighters, buttons, little dolls, belt buckles, scout pins, Christmas ornaments, watch faces, metal toys, sewing kits, door knobs, metal hardware, pill cases, compacts and everything in-between - they all have a new my Treasure Jars. 













  1. Hi Janet,

    Denis called me at the Courant from ESPN Radio and said something awful's going on in New York. Our newsroom was pretty much empty so I rushed over and turned on a TV. Such an amazing moment.
    I rushed to New York with another reporter and that whole experience and its lessons are always on my mind. Tony Kornheiser interviewed me from the rubble. Whenever the digital clock hits 9 11 I unconsciously tap my fingers on a tabletop of a grandchild's head. I wrote a long essay on my days and thoughts and lessons I learned from that experience in New York as part of the first book I did after leaving the Courant, "Flotsam: A Life in Debris."

    Glad to see you're back at the keyboard, dear Janet

    1. Denis, my friend Denis, how nice to hear from your. 🙂. So long ago and so many memories.
      Think about you and Pat often. 🙏

  2. Wow! And trinkets you have. You make me laugh

  3. It's the making for an "I Spy" book. Each one a treasure of its own, but so intriguing when combined together!

    1. I spent a rainy day going through all my little treasures. I was in heaven! ☺️. Thank you for reading and commenting Cynthia! Appreciate it!

  4. I love the blue glass bottles!!😁

    1. Aren't they dear? They are only 1.5" tall and they have VICKS in the side! ❤️. Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog! ☺️

  5. Such neat little treasures!!!!

  6. How fun!!
    I would love to start a jar .. but I think I would become an addict and start searching for unique items to fill it.

    1. You described me exactly Margo! Please start a treasure jar of your own!
