Monday, August 17, 2020


I went into a QT yesterday to get gas and coffee. There was a young father with two children; a boy, around nine, and a girl, about five. They were standing in front of the glass case that holds pastries. I gathered that their father told them they could each have one.

The little girl made her decision quickly. She chose the donut with the pink frosting and white sprinkles. But the little boy...ahhh the little boy was having more difficulties. He had narrowed it down to the Bear Claw shelf, but there was a problem. This bear claw appeared to be a little bit bigger than the others. But this one had more nuts. And this one had the most glaze. He was debating the merits of each and didn't seem to be anywhere near making his decision when I was done making my coffee. I lingered to see how this was going to end.

The little girl was anxious to get going, having made her decision quickly. She was trying to get her brother to hurry up, but he was not moving. This apparently was not a situation that presented itself often and the young lad was not going to waste his pick on a Bear Claw that was not "The Best".

I caught the young father's eye and we smiled. In that instant I knew that this was a kind father. This was a father who appreciated children being children. This was a big decision for his son, and he was going to allow him to make it.

Moments like this are my life's treasures. Simple and sweet treasures that make up a good and happy life.

Originally posted to Facebook in 2017


  1. What a wonderful story. We should remember the beauty of a child's patience and mindfulness. Thanks for sharing. I really like your blog.

    1. Thank you Sheila! Appreciate you reading it ❤️

  2. Thank you for including me Janet. I look forward to reading these posts. I love them. Always something to ponder, or make me laugh.

    1. Thank you Lisa! Hope you are doing well ❤️🙏

  3. I love this story. I for one have a hard time making a decision like that too! Glad his dad gave him the time he needed.

    1. : ) Me? I would have gone with the pink one with sprinkles too!
