Thursday, June 30, 2022

Releasing the Past

For more than 30 years I have carried these with me. From house to house, and from Connecticut to South Carolina, I have moved with my old journals. I started my first journal in late 1981 and the last one is dated October '93. 

What do you do with things like this? I never went back to read them, and I am certainly not going to share them with anyone. For more than 30 years, I just moved them from house to house. 

For the past 7 years the journals have been in a plastic tub in my studio closet. Earlier this month I was cleaning and I decided that I had to finally do something with them. I put them in order and beginning with the first one, I started to read my old journals. 

About halfway through 1983, I stopped reading every entry and just started skimming the pages. Shortly thereafter, I stopped reading altogether. Instead of finding this experience enlightening, I was finding it all very distressing. 

These are not my notebooks filled with "Good Things", nor were these the notebooks I keep card and mementos in. No, these were journals from what was at times unhappy and lonely. I can easily, and fondly, recall the positive experiences from this period in my life, but what I was reading about was mostly the sadness I felt. 

am so far removed from the unhappy person whose words filled these pages that I was finding it very difficult to relive this time of my life again. I made the decision that I was going to get rid of these journals. 

I got out my paper cutter, and going journal to journal, I cut the pages into strips. Once that was done, I put the strips in the tub and filled it with water.  A little extreme perhaps, but I didn't want to think about my journals and words laying in a landfill somewhere and possibly being found. I wanted to be certain, and have the peace of knowing, that they were completely unreadable.  

As soon I threw the water-soaked mess in the garbage, I felt lighter and unburdened. These journals were taking up physical and mental space in my life and I was now free of it all.  I would be lying if I said that since then I haven't had second thoughts about my decision, but ultimately, I feel I made the right decision. 

I have always been affected and influenced by the energy around me - good and bad - and making the decision to let go of these journals has been a positive and uplifting decision for me. It may not be right for everyone, but it is exactly what I needed to do. 



  1. Sometimes letting go can be so freeing.

    1. ❤️ 😊 Yes! It felt so good and right. Thank you for reading. 😊

    2. I love this and now wish I had kept journals so I could rid myself in that kind of a way. ❤️

  2. Letting something go is very hard to do. I am so happy that you were able to do that for yourself! I was in a women's conference many years ago, and what I remember most from this conference is that "You are the key to your own happiness!" I have to remind myself this sometimes but I know that "I am the key to my own happiness!"

    1. ❤️ This is a fabulous and important manta to remember. Thank you for reading and sharing this. 😊

  3. Thank you for sharing this. I have several journals in binders taking up space on a bookshelf upstairs. I stopped writing in them over 25 years ago. I haven't read them since. Maybe it's time for me to let them go, too. My past is behind me. ❤️😊

    1. Thank you for reading and writing. It was hard, the second guessing, but once it was was over and done. Good luck to you 🙏😊❤️

  4. Life is precious and I have learned to really live in the present, not looking back too much ( except to see how far God has grown me), and not anticipating tomorrow! I am at a place in my life where I am making the same decisions to let go of stuff and move forward with less. I have found it to be so freeing!!! It’s amazing when you live with less, it is easier to not let the stuff weigh you down. I like it! None of our stuff is coming with us when we die, so it’s healthy to give it away now or let it go! Relationships and experiences are what I live for and get excited about!!! Thank you for sharing, as always, I appreciate your insight

    1. Thank you so much for this. So much wisdom you shared. ❤️. You have such a wonderful approach and one I strive to emulate. Thank you for reading and sharing your story. 🙏😊❤️

  5. We like to think that our lives were always happy but know deep inside there were many burdens and hardships. I guess there’s truth to not looking back… nothing will be changed. Onward with every new day!

    1. ❤️ ❤️ Exactly! Thank you for reading and writing Cynthia! Always appreciated 😊

  6. Freedom for your soul!

    1. Amen! 😊❤️. Thank you for reading!
