Thursday, October 22, 2020

Random thoughts II

I'm pretty sure that if I was analyzed in a medical lab, I would be comprised of 97.8% peanut butter.

There is such a thing as eating too many pancakes.

Making hard boiled eggs hours before guests arrive for dinner is never a good idea. 1

I'm almost positive that Johnny Depp has never once looked in the mirror and said "All this...this is just simply too much accessorizing".

I will schedule a dentist appointment for any time, as long as it is more than 2 weeks from now. 

Same goes for blood work.  

Ten times out of ten, Missy will roll over onto her back for a belly rub in less than 4 seconds of seeing someone. 2

A frog in the garage will have me screeching like a 6 year old girl.

There are few greater feelings than discovering that someone has covered you up while you were napping on the couch. 

When someone says "We'll talk about it later", you are probably not going to get the answer you hoped for. 

Why are some candles made with no scent? 3

If I ask Missy to go get me a snack, I will not be getting my snack. 

I've been driving for a long time and I've yet to witness a car pass under a truck. Successfully. 

"Fabulous", "Swell" and "Fantastic" are three words that we should use more often. 4

Finding someone else's shopping list in a cart totally makes my day. 

My cheese omelet needs to be cooked well done.  I don't need to be guessing whether that goo is cheese or egg. 

For all the cardinals I see every day, I have never found a cardinal feather. 

Missy licks her butt, I doubt that she cares if her dog food is "Savory Lamb with fresh young peas and baby carrots".

Bad guys don't always wear black. 

It seems that they name the subdivisions after what they tore down and destroyed; "Shady Pines", "Wildflower Meadow" and "Peach Tree Grove" are perfect examples. 

1. Especially if you aren't even serving hard boiled eggs to your guests. 1a
2.  I've counted
3. Said the girl with 754 candles.  All scented
4.  And "Hooligan" and "Shenanigans" too

1a.  Totally looking at you Mr. Alden


  1. Thank you once again for more light, funny and heart warming humor. You da best <3 Lisa D

    1. You are so welcome Lisa! Appreciate you reading and being a fabulous cheerleader! See what I did there!

  2. Truth about the cardinal feathers. Have a fabulous day!
